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D. C. Lau was, at the time of his passing in 2010, one of the world’s greatest scholars of classical Chinese philosophy. Long renowned for his translations of the Laozi, the Analects and the Mencius, and the Founding Editor for the CHANT series of critical texts and concordances, Lau was also a devotee of the Huainanzi. But during his long scholarly career he was only able to publish one article of textual notes in 1968 and the translation of the first chapter of the HNZ with Roger Ames, Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to Its Source. This publication of his meticulous notes on the rhymes and textual criticism of the HNZ represents a heretofore unknown gift of Professor Lau’s profound scholarship to the world of Chinese Studies. Harold D. Roth, Professor of Chinese Religious Studies, Brown University
In what is indeed a highly technical study, Professor D. C. Lau wields the rhyme structure of the Huainanzi like Butcher Ding’s cleaver in carving up his ox. Indeed, Professor Lau with his knee pressed tightly against this ancient canon, dissects it to shows how the judicious use of rhyme unfolds for the reader—dare we say—the reasoned schemata of this highly poetic document by bringing into focus its concatenation of images, its metric patterns, its tonal structure, its parallel constructions, and the rhythmic pace of its verse lines.--Roger T. Ames, Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawai‘i
前兩天在誠品書局看到這本 《淮南子》韻讀及校勘,翻一翻目錄,覺得很心動!
這本書一定要推薦給你看 《淮南子》韻讀及校勘,
但是我想《淮南子》韻讀及校勘 在博客來網路書店上買應該會比較便宜,
也可以順便參考其他 《淮南子》韻讀及校勘 的讀者心得分享,以及推薦 《淮南子》韻讀及校勘 文章佳句!
《淮南子》韻讀及校勘 這本書真的太讚了,你一定要買回來看!!(讚啦......)
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《淮南子》韻讀及校勘 是我在博客來網路書店買的,商品網址如下:
書本網址: 《淮南子》韻讀及校勘
D. C. Lau was, at the time of his passing in 2010, one of the world’s greatest scholars of classical Chinese philosophy. Long renowned for his translations of the Laozi, the Analects and the Mencius, and the Founding Editor for the CHANT series of critical texts and concordances, Lau was also a devotee of the Huainanzi. But during his long scholarly career he was only able to publish one article of textual notes in 1968 and the translation of the first chapter of the HNZ with Roger Ames, Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to Its Source. This publication of his meticulous notes on the rhymes and textual criticism of the HNZ represents a heretofore unknown gift of Professor Lau’s profound scholarship to the world of Chinese Studies. Harold D. Roth, Professor of Chinese Religious Studies, Brown University
In what is indeed a highly technical study, Professor D. C. Lau wields the rhyme structure of the Huainanzi like Butcher Ding’s cleaver in carving up his ox. Indeed, Professor Lau with his knee pressed tightly against this ancient canon, dissects it to shows how the judicious use of rhyme unfolds for the reader—dare we say—the reasoned schemata of this highly poetic document by bringing into focus its concatenation of images, its metric patterns, its tonal structure, its parallel constructions, and the rhythmic pace of its verse lines.--Roger T. Ames, Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawai‘i